Hanna Somatics Audio Lessons

If you’re wondering why your pain keeps coming back, it could be due to neural-based tension. One of the most powerful tools I’ve found to eliminate chronic tension that feeds pain is Hanna Somatics.

Hanna Somatics Audio

If you’re wondering why your pain keeps coming back, it could be due to neural-based tension. One of the most powerful tools I’ve found to eliminate chronic tension that feeds pain is Hanna Somatics.

What's Included

You will receive instant access to the digital download of all eight Somatics Audio Lessons.

You will also receive an invite to one of my LIVE Group Coaching Calls to help you get the most out of the program.

I recorded eight audio lessons to help you release chronic pain patterns. They are simple and gentle, yet especially effective in unlocking your body’s pain. 

Simply follow the flow of my voice, move gently and release tension. After just one session you'll likely feel a sense of flexibility that you've never felt before.

Lesson #1 - Back

This lesson helps gently release tension in the muscles along the spine to reduce back pain. Feel your tension and pain melt away during this 35 minute session.

Lesson #2 - Front

Muscles in the front of the trunk, which may be chronically contracted are targeted in this lesson. Expect to feel your chest and abdomen open and relaxed after this session. 30 minutes.

Lesson #3 - Waist

Relaxing waist muscles is critical to relieving unilateral back or sciatic pain. Few people have ever considered that their waist muscles may be caught in a reflex contraction loop. This lesson will help unlock the trunk and pelvis relationship. 27 minutes.

Lesson #4 - Rotation

Often unilateral back or sciatic pain is a result of asymmetrical restricted trunk rotation. This lesson will help you gently explore trunk rotation and your limitations mindfully slowly. 25 minutes.

Lesson #5 - Hip

Hip tightness contributes to knee, hip and back pain. This lesson will allow you to explore new movements for your hips to help correct pain-causing tightness or restrictions. 27 minutes.

Lesson #6 - Neck

This unique lesson addresses neck stiffness and its relationship to the eyes and trunk. Expect to find new connections in this area you didn’t know existed as well as new freedom of head and neck movements as a result. 50 minutes.

Lesson #7 - Breathing

This unique and creative lesson introduces breath control in a way you’ve never explored before! This lesson has powerful implications for neck and back pain and stiffness, relieving pain and improving movement. 27 minutes.

Lesson #8 - Walking

Another unusual approach to breaking down walking and exploring different movements in smaller ways. This is a very successful lesson for those with foot, knee, hip or back issues. 33 minutes.

What's Included

Lesson #1 - BACK

This lesson helps gently release tension in the muscles along the spine to reduce back pain. Feel your tension and pain melt away during this 35 minute session.

Lesson #2 - Front

Muscles in the front of the trunk, which may be chronically contracted are targeted in this lesson. Expect to feel your chest and abdomen open and relaxed after this session. 30 minutes.

Lesson #3 - Waist

Relaxing waist muscles is critical to relieving unilateral back or sciatic pain. Few people have ever considered that their waist muscles may be caught in a reflex contraction loop. This lesson will help unlock the trunk and pelvis relationship. 27 minutes.

Lesson #4 - Rotation

Often unilateral back or sciatic pain is a result of asymmetrical restricted trunk rotation. This lesson will help you gently explore trunk rotation and your limitations mindfully slowly. 25 minutes.

Lesson #5 - Hip

Hip tightness contributes to knee, hip and back pain. This lesson will allow you to explore new movements for your hips to help correct pain-causing tightness or restrictions. 27 minutes.

Lesson #6 - Neck

This unique lesson addresses neck stiffness and its relationship to the eyes and trunk. Expect to find new connections in this area you didn’t know existed as well as new freedom of head and neck movements as a result. 50 minutes.

Lesson #7 - Breathing

This unique and creative lesson introduces breath control in a way you’ve never explored before! This lesson has powerful implications for neck and back pain and stiffness, relieving pain and improving movement. 27 minutes.

Lesson #8 - Walking

Another unusual approach to breaking down walking and exploring different movements in smaller ways. This is a very successful lesson for those with foot, knee, hip or back issues. 33 minutes.

Why Hanna Somatics is So Important...

  • Hanna Somatics has become my primary treatment recommendation for solving recurring pain. It’s an incredible technique that I utilize every day in my clinic.
  • ​ if you have recurring pain or chronic tension and want to learn how to unlock your body’s hidden pain patterns, you’ll want my 8 Somatic Lessons.
  • Each lesson emphasizes a different pattern of movement in the body. Each lesson is approximately 30 minutes which makes it an easy listen. And because these are recordings, you can listen any place and as many times as you like.
  • If you’re wondering why your pain comes back again and again, it could be due to neural-based tension. One of the most powerful tools I’ve found to eliminate chronic tension that feeds pain is Hanna Somatics.
  • ​Don't forget... you will also be invited to one of my LIVE Group Coaching Calls to help you get the most out of the program.
Why Hanna Somatics is So Important...
  • Hanna Somatics has become my primary treatment recommendation for solving recurring pain. It’s an incredible technique that I utilize every day in my clinic.
  • ​if you have recurring pain or chronic tension and want to learn how to unlock your body’s hidden pain patterns, you’ll want my 8 Somatic Lessons.
  • ​Each lesson emphasizes a different pattern of movement in the body. Each lesson is approximately 30 minutes which makes it an easy listen. And because these are recordings, you can listen any place and as many times as you like.
  • ​If you’re wondering why your pain comes back again and again, it could be due to neural-based tension. One of the most powerful tools I’ve found to eliminate chronic tension that feeds pain is Hanna Somatics.
  • ​Don't forget... you will also be invited to one of my LIVE Group Coaching Calls to help you get the most out of the program.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

When you purchase my programs you are eligible for a 60-Day No Questions Asked Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee.

I've been a physical therapist for 25+ years and I believe so strongly in my approach that I’m willing to risk the full cost of producing these video and audio lessons for you to try them.

I wouldn’t have gone to these lengths if I didn’t believe you would be satisfied with your purchase. I want you to have your life back more than anything. My programs will help you heal, reduce, and possibly even completely eliminate your pain.

And if that wasn't enough... you will also be invited to one of my LIVE group coaching calls to help you get the most out of the program.

I'm confident that if you follow my program for 30 minutes per day over the next 30 days that you will see (and feel) significant improvement within that timeframe. If you're not satisfied, you'll get a full refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

 What if I’m not in good shape?

Don’t worry just like in my clinic, I’ve modified key exercises for different bodies. I’ve created different levels or modifications so just about anyone can follow along. This is not a strenuous program, instead it’s a method to first reduce strain to your muscles and joints. Once reduced the second video will help you become stronger, but even this video is not strenuous. You can do it!

 Can older people do this?

Absolutely! I’ve created the different levels and modifications to specifically allow older people to benefit. We help older patients in the clinic all the time so I understand what modifications are necessary for you to get started.

 Will this take a lot of my time?

I’m a father and husband of a family of four with my own clinic to run so I know what it means not to have personal time. I’ve given a lot of thought and consideration to each exercise to make sure you’re getting the most out of it. That way I can keep your program streamlined. The exercise portion of this program will take 20-30 minutes. I recommend doing the program in the morning before your day begins. I think you’ll get even faster result if you can fit in a second session before you go to bed but that’s up to you.

The habits part of this program takes no additional time out of your day. You’ll learn which habits are likely contributing to your muscle tension and strain and you’ll correct them throughout the day. This is perhaps the most powerful aspect of my program.

 What if it doesn’t help?

I think this is unlikely because of my decades of experience treating injuries from head to toe and the success of my books, but as I mentioned before I will refund 100% of your payment for a full 60 days after your purchase. I don’t want your money if I can’t help you.

In my experience, people with chronic stress and muscle tension have spent so much money chasing empty promises, I don’t want to be another disappointment in your life. There will be no hassles, no questions asked if you ask for a refund.

 Why should your program work where others have failed?

This is a great question and without going into tedious detail in most cases, traditional treatment methods do not have the depth of understanding about how different parts of the body affect each other to create or fix stress/muscle tension. Because of this, most treatments focus only on a small part of the body nearest your pain. But the connections in our bodies range farther than that. It’s taken me years to figure all this out and develop a treatment approach to fix these issues. But you likely will not permanently fix a problem if you don’t fix your movement habits that are stressing your body. That’s what I do differently and that’s why my approach is so successful. No-one else has made these connections as deeply as I have. This is the only program of its kind.

 Are my credit and other information safe?

Absolutely. I get just as nervous as you when I purchase something online from a new site. That’s why I’ve taken pains to make sure we’re using a 100% secure payment form. Your credit card and personal information are electronically processed without compromise. Clickbank is a Top 100 global retailer, accredited by the Better Business Bureau and trusted by over 200 million customers in more than 190 countries.

 Who is ClickBank?

Clickbank is a global platform where product creators can share their information with millions of customers on a 100% secure network. Only after being approved through a strict authorization process and showing evidence on all written claims can a product creator sell their program using this platform. Clickbank’s rigorous approval process ensures only high quality products and valid information is given to all customers.

 Will I be billed multiple times?

Absolutely not. This is a one-time secure payment and you’ll be an owner of the program forever. Nothing irritates me more than when I find someone has billed me repeatedly when I was unaware. Again I’ve made sure this will not happen. You pay once and you’re done.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

When you purchase my programs you are eligible for a 60-Day No Questions Asked Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee.

I've been a physical therapist for 25+ years and I believe so strongly in my approach that I’m willing to risk the full cost of producing these video and audio lessons for you to try them.

I wouldn’t have gone to these lengths if I didn’t believe you would be satisfied with your purchase. I want you to have your life back more than anything. My programs will help you heal, reduce, and possibly even completely eliminate your pain.

And if that wasn't enough... you will also be invited to one of my LIVE group coaching calls to help you get the most out of the program.

I'm confident that if you follow my program for 30 minutes per day over the next 30 days that you will see (and feel) significant improvement within that timeframe. If you're not satisfied, you'll get a full refund.

One more thing…

I know you have an abundance of doubt and caution. I’m not the first person or product you’ve tried to solve your body’s aches and strains. You are not unlike most people who come into my clinic who’ve been around the medical block. But I’ve devoted my career, more than 20 years, to understanding why muscle tension happens and how to solve it.

I’m a physical therapist, and have taken my career very seriously, to the point where I’ve had many sleepless nights worried for my patients. You are about to purchase a culmination of my 20+ years of experience and insight—not just another program.

I’m staking my reputation on my ability to help you and I believe with 100% confidence that if you follow my recommendations you’ll not only fix your muscle or joint aches or strains, but you’ll feel in control of your life again because you’ll understand exactly why you’re having muscle or joint problems and know exactly what you need to do to avoid them in the future.

I wish you great success!

© Boone Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


The contents of this site are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition, suspected medical condition, and before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or before taking or stopping any medication. Reliance on any information provided by this site and others appearing on the site is solely at your own risk. The site and its contents are provided on an "as is" basis.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark 
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The website's content and the product for sale is based upon the author's opinion and is provided solely on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. You should do your own research and
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One more thing…

I know you have an abundance of doubt and caution. I’m not the first person or product you’ve tried to solve your body’s aches and strains. You are not unlike most people who come into my clinic who’ve been around the medical block. But I’ve devoted my career, more than 20 years, to understanding why muscle tension happens and how to solve it.

I’m a physical therapist, and have taken my career very seriously, to the point where I’ve had many sleepless nights worried for my patients. You are about to purchase a culmination of my 20+ years of experience and insight—not just another program.

I’m staking my reputation on my ability to help you and I believe with 100% confidence that if you follow my recommendations you’ll not only fix your muscle or joint aches or strains, but you’ll feel in control of your life again because you’ll understand exactly why you’re having muscle or joint problems and know exactly what you need to do to avoid them in the future.

I wish you great success!
© Boone Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


The contents of this site are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition, suspected medical condition, and before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or before taking or stopping any medication. Reliance on any information provided by this site and others appearing on the site is solely at your own risk. The site and its contents are provided on an "as is" basis.
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